Hi, we had a great visit with Charlotte. I made Bruschette and meatball. I was catching up on your blogs. I'm glad you are meeting nice people. I'd be so scared at night. You are very brave. I watch too many cop shows in the winter. Be safe and know you are in my prayers.
When I think of the men, women, and children who suffer from disease and hunger throughout the world I realize the smallness of my endeavor. When I think of the men and women who serve in our military defending our freedom and spending months in foreign lands, I realize a 4000 mile bike journey is fairly insignificant. When I think of the elderly who spend the brief time they have left being lonely, and the animals who suffer at the hands of humans I am reminded that my journey is not very important.
10. Any bicycle sold by Wal Mart. There isn't enough good metal in one to make a pie pan!
9. People who throw glass bottles out of car windows.
8. Any cyclist who feels the type of riding they do is the only type of cycling. I think it's great to see anyone on a bike.
7. Bicycle shops that charge to put air in your tires.
6. People throwing things from cars at cyclists. Really stupid!
5. People who yell out the window when passing a cyclist. They must not realize that all we hear is a squeal. Kinda funny actually!
4. Kids and young adults who ride through yards, weave wrecklessly through traffic and stop signs, and in front of cars, causing people to view cycling in a negative way.
3. Cyclists who ride in the road to prove a point. A little common sense goes a long way! I'm not going to argue with a red neck driving a 6000 pound truck with a dog in the back bigger than my bike! The goal is to ride, have fun, and get home alive! I do think we live in an area that needs to be more aware of cycling and hopefully people who ride often and correctly can have an impact on the way we are viewed by automobile drivers.
2. People who know they have dogs that chase bicycles and do nothing. Wonder if they would like them to be pepper sprayed. Of course not!! If its your dog or my legs, I'm choosing my legs!
1. People who don't turn on headlights when it isn't daylight. Maybe they think they are saving gas, too lazy to turn, push, or pull the switch, or maybe they think they are hiding in the dark.. Dumb and dangerous habit!!
Hi, we had a great visit with Charlotte. I made Bruschette and meatball. I was catching up on your blogs. I'm glad you are meeting nice people. I'd be so scared at night. You are very brave. I watch too many cop shows in the winter. Be safe and know you are in my prayers.